saturn conjunct ic transit

Saturn transits are notoriously tough. For so long I desired a loving relationship. She is 92 now i think and STILL doing her duty, what an inspiration. So pleased that you see the positives that come from Saturn crossing your IC. and am very curious about what the future holdsfor all of us. . Sun-When the Sun is in the fourth house, the native was thought of as an important part of the family. Youre right. Saturn Conjunct Natal Midheaven This transit means important life and career achievements and recognition. Hi Katie, Ready for some peace and lighter living. Now I understand myself through astrology definitely better. Just little fixes and sellbut where do I go? Natal conjunctions by two consecutive full moons one an eclipse cannot count for nothing. Only this time i was not the one attracted to these pschos and socios because i knew what Uranus intentions were when he entered the 2nd decan of Taurus to activate a transiting YOD with Chiron in Aries and the NN (and other transits in Gemini in 2021). Its a been a lot of hard work since finding astrology, I took myself back to school of self teaching. does that mmean that there will be more sense of resposibility? Thirty years ago ( 1990-1993) l was also doing total renovations wen partner unfaithful and l chucked him out . Probably will have to invest, and be somewhat insecure about my future. When Saturn conjuncts your Midheaven it's also forming an opposition to the IC which means the foundation you built around 14 years ago, when Saturn entered your 4th house, will come under . Saturn represents discipline, pessimism, restriction, and depression, and in transit, infuses your natal houses and planets with this energy. You can see, in both cases, it takes a lot out of a person. Sorry for delay reply helen, i didnt receive notification..i imagine your mercury 3rd house with gemini ac is a wonderful combo! Or just not being able to come up and being forced to stay at that bottom. It can be quite hard, but through these hardships ideally you learn to work together and find joy despite the adversities. Interpretation Of Solar Return Ascendant For Each Sign. Even though Saturn is far away from the nadir now, Im having chiron in the 1H in my 2022 solar return its an ongoing story of having to fend off for myself despite the wound (i still cant pay for a house and feel not at home) and the necessity of letting go and letting god. BUT, for the first 8 months of my Prog moon in the 4th I watched TONS of WW2 documentary and I was crying all the time watching them! I live in a beautiful yet small 350 sq ft studio underneath my landlords who are nice but loud and it is too small, the ceiling too low. It means hard work and responsibility are your karmic destiny. Another person may not have a home to go to. Ohhh that would be a depth and expansive communicational mind! I was chastised by my dad for not making more money to afford the dinner. I have Saturn conjunct South node in Cancer, both 3. and my husband almost didnt get his green card for the government. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. Jen, Pluto transiting Moon in conjunction is tough. You are reaping the reward of at least 7 and possibly 14 years of striving. It has been one of the most difficult periods in my life. After being severely bullied at school they began writing works of fiction but turned to crime when they started experiencing criminal tendencies. Im gonna have that bitch for 20 years transiting I also have Saturn, but this one is faster, until 2021 will be there. I am quite happy with my modest circumstances. Hi BPip, I also thought of the queen when I read this!! Now I have Saturn hitting the fourth in my solar chart along with Pluto and the home I need to sell needs lots of work. The South Node in the Natal Chart Im a cancer sun with unaspected moon. Saturn was at the MC in 2008 fourteen years ago at the same time as Chiron, Neptune AND the transiting north node were on my IC! Interesting. There are typos in Elsas article on the 4th. My natal Saturn is 20 degrees sagg, and so I had my saturn return last year. I've been back in Brazil for just over 3 weeks and much has happened already, or has it not?! Interest rates were rising so I had to make a choice: see my eldest through high school or think about my youngest. Contact us. It will arise out of the ashes like the phoenix as Pluto hits my Venus 29 degree cappy. In fact, its 2business ideas one has 2 spin-offs to make the 4. I have saturn conj. I was confident seeing him 1X a week until he went off to college, would work. I have saturn (conjunct ic) in opposition with neptune (conjunct mercury and mc). I know its in Taurus from the Saturn returns. Sorry, for some reason Prog Moon and Tr Saturn going through the same house usually seems like the same to me (as in whatever house Tr Saturn or Prog Moon are in that's your main focus for that period of life). Im in the investigative stage right now about what to do about the osteoporosis. You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. It was a rectangular house, you had to go through each room to get to the next, no hallway (no bypassing!). She was protected by religion just like the sibling who was protected by the coverup (yeah and the covered sibling hides her actions behind the church too). Saturn Conjunct Midheaven Transit. Well, Neptune also started opposing my Sun recently, so I guess that contributes a lot as I have no idea who I am anymore and this affects nearly everything. wow. I think of this now as there have been a number of murderers lately whose defense is that god told them to do it or that the person(s) they killed was spawned by satan. My Solar Return for 2023 suggests that I might move again the next time I have Saturn conjunct my IC. Thats what Ive done & while draining at times, it has been profitable & also used up the energy so to speak. It is possible that circumstances will occur that force a major review of your goals and where you are heading with your career. You will most likely feel a strong sense of duty and will strive with determination to do something significant with your life. Lily. My family is a blessing, however I still feel alone. And Uranus was with natal Mars/Venus in Pisces. Try to look on the positive side. Had to move back home briefly to lick my wounds, but happily moved on to pastures new! I could get not much understanding/sympathy for what I was going through either. I was in the same boat professionally, knowing that Im qualified and intelligent but going nowhere. This is the third time Saturn is transiting my 4th. I have an unexpected mercury in the 3rd house with a Gemini ascendent! With Saturn conjunct Ascendant, you may feel that the Universe holds you back in life. My Saturn return was more.. Scorpio. The Moon rules my 10th H. New Moon in a solar return chart may mean a new relationship. That is the only way if we are talking about real astrology. 26 people love it! I havent had Saturn transit Pluto while in my 4th yet, howeverwith Pluto in the 4th, some of the best ways to use the energy is to consciously take on fixer upper type places/projects or other transformation energy around family & home. Full Moon in Virgo: March 7, 2023 Mutable T-Square Distractions, Pluto Transit MC vs Pluto Transit Ascendant, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. By the way,I have Pluto just finishing its 4th house transit. Whatever your rhythm when this hits, it's thrown out of whack and you like it. Pluto square my sun, Venus and mars has been a test of freedom for me. Your email address will not be published. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Saturn conjunct Pluto is our aspect for today, so let us tell something more about this ambiguous aspect. Would that be a pisces mercury unaspected? To have Saturn and Jupiter activate my IC is music to my ear. When Saturn transits the Midheaven the need for security and achievement influences your career, status, and how you're seen by the world at large. I apologize ahead of time, Im going to sound super negative but its pretty honest (I am not normally a negative person by the way). Thank you, Lou. A Plutonian Imagination. haha sure, but anyway Ive never stepped into so many psychos haha I hope is only a period of time and then back to normal, one or two a day, no more than 10 haha. Ill be having it in few years. From the outside, transit Uranus conjunct Ascendant is notably nuts. I then moved back to my hometown and received a lot of support and found another job via my hometown connections. So far, its just anxiety and an acceptance that Ill be doing a lot of flying soon. A recipe for distaster as far as I'm concerned. SR MC exactly conjunct natal IC - Im not sure that it is important aspect in this case In transits he has: long lasting transit Saturn trine natal Venus transit Jupiter is going soon make conjunction to natal Ascendent in Libra Let us know how will be your next year and when you will meet sombedy, if it would lead to marriage. Booooo I am afraid I am sunk. The first involved me driving a plastic preschooler car to meet my parents for my mothers birthday dinner, she decided to go to an expensive restaurant and I was expected to pay for it. Skyrocketing cost of living is steering my way sociopaths (total strangers with hidden agendas, hit hard by the PlutoSaturn conjunction austerity measures) who think im going to be part of their Uranus in Taurus triggered changes and adjustments regarding their finances and accommodation. I wonder where hers lies. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Havent thouht about uranus and this one is quite a bad boy. It is not going to be easy at all. I just posted that the light bulb went on when I did my dwads and woke up to the sextile that my North Node (the dragons head) makes to my IC. My daughter is currently having this transit. No more details will be given to us until the 2nd half of this year. If that eclipse at 0 of Cancer so close to the NN, square my natal NN, counted for something, the full moons in Capricorn and Aquarius have to count for something. Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. Gemini sun versatile mental sign that is able to adapt to different situations or search for better alternatives if the current situations arent worth adapting to. Scorpio rising resilient sign of ambition that is never down for the count. It wasnt until 15 years later while taking care of my mom as all my siblings were carrying on some kind of war with each other, that one of them blurted out the big lie as an attack on the one. These phrases relate to the life I live, I am living too small a life, and with a ceiling (of accomplishment) too low. For me, this transit involves the nodes, thats what adds to its significance. The link/sextile to my North Node and the trine to South Node-Jupiter conjunction highlighted the significance of my IC. Can you imagine? I recommend you examine Saturn sun people Look at celebrities with it Read about it I have Saturn square the sun with moon scorpio and Saturn conjunct the moon. Agree. Definitely NOT. Getting to the back of the house and out the back door I could see a hidden town! I am more than halfway through & ok but definitely transformed & it has become the pathway to my new vocation moving forward. Three malefics at once in a sensitive point like Nadirguess will be horrible. But past efforts will still be rewarded. Saturn has also brought a lot of fight with authorities so I guess Pluto wont be that different. And a few days after, I would have the first direct hit of my Saturn Return. We (4H) moved (Mars) for better schools (Gemini) for the kids and we hosted lots of school-related parties. I would look at your mothers transits as well. The Universe took care of you. My natal Saturn at 4degrees Taurus already squares MC and IC. I was lonely. We moved from a small condo to a nice size house near an elementary school. In dwadashamsha (dwads), the 27 degrees of Capricorn is linked to my North Node in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio, both water signs notorious for keeping things hidden. I could do with a lucky break. Saturn conjunct north node transit is a lesson to be learned for several months. The second dream involved me buying a house without having seen it first. Where did you read that?? I'm in the last 4 months of my prog Moon in the 4th which I have gone back into complete hermit mode/just focusing on healing (which I have heard that when the prog Moon or a transit planet are months/degrees from leaving a house there is an extra does of that house energy so that whatever needed to be learned/completed get pushed forward). But right now. Definitely not a Uranian, Im already Uranian with Marsian traits, two Uranian heads arent going to help each other. I am blessed to still have both my elderly parents living independently in their own home but Im aware that this transit could bring changes there also.I would dearly love to move back up North closer to my children & grandchildren but money (cant sell my home due to contamination)& being available for my aging parents are issues. What happened when Saturn transited your nadir or 4th house? That's positive!" , , Real Life Saturn transit 12th, Saturn transit 1st, saturn transit ascendant permalink I work here. Im in my 40s too. Saturn is about to go back to my 4th from July-Dec but mostly over. Also, is Mars the ruler of Uranus Transit the IC because its in Aries? Due to chronic illness I have been forced to spend far more time at home than I am comfortable with in the last few years (since transting Pluto entered the 4th in 2010/11. Thanks, Hi Anne: Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit, Saturn Conjunct Midheaven Natal and Transit, New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit. I feel homesick for my ex, his kids, our dog, and the life I had. Id like to do it sooner, but for financial reasons I need to wait till 2020 or so. It was oppo my natal Moon, mars chiron. It was a bittersweet time, from which I have never totally recovered, and I felt my eldest was fine, spending a lot of his time socializing and studying and being independent. Thank you Elsa and keep up the good work. I have natal Jupiter conjunct my MC. As a child I would lie in bed watching the roses on the wallpaper turn into malevolent faces as daylight faded; I had to make bargains with . This is not necessarily a negative thing for you but some expectations could be involved here. Hit me like a ton of bricks. Stressful times but we made it through. In my horoscope the IC is conjunct the South Node at 28 degrees of Scorpio. Lou, I, too, have natal Sun Saturn conjunction. I wondered as a child why everyone hides their emotional selves. But, right now tr. What happens now will be in accordance with the reality of what you have achieved. It looks as if you have been climbing the mountain for a long time and finally you can reach the peak. In a nutshell: diagnosed with endometriosis, having difficulty conceiving, relationship of 11 years ultimately ended (not due to lack of love but differences in foundational desires and beliefs), in the process of foresclosure, moved 1200 miles to live with family and get on my feet financially. Loui, Pluto is conjoining my Nadir right now, and Saturn is conjoining my moon in the 3rd. Transiting Pallas is in Capricorn, during the July eclipse in Capricorn the full moon was in exact conjunction to my natal Juno at 13 degrees and then I had a full moon in exact conjunction to my Ceres in the 4th house in Aquarius. I would say the feelingis normal but its not necessarily typical. Im having some problems now (renting is expensive where I live, cant afford to buy, my father is unhealthy. After hanging up the phone, my hand immediately picked the phone up again and dialed back. Definitely, I will be moving town to set up my businesses and leave this God forsaken town. I always knew my family is no good but this year, after Pluto and Saturn together Im just flipping out!! MC thankfully not exact! This interpretation of Saturn in aspect to the IC embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Others struggle with some heavy family burden. It felt exciting! Sometimes this aspect can indicate delays in your career but it can also mean great responsibility placed on you from an early age. Now, I no longer hope to find love because I have it. IP: Logged. During the average human lifetime, it occurs two-three times. Tell us when and whats happening. As Saturn will spend about 2 years in Aquar. This is when you plan to sell your home so it should be a positive transition for you. However, the meaning will be the same. is opposed by a transit that is conjunct with the I.C. In retrospect, I think he felt betrayed. Yeah agree. Im debating on how much money to spend on updating and decorating before I put it on the market. Indeed, that occurred to me too! On the other side that eclipse happened so close to my natal North Node at 27 of Cancer with the transiting North Node at 26. After they were transferred from Broadmoor to a clinic, Jennifer could not be roused. Last year, 2017, transiting Saturn conjuncted natal Neptune on the descendant and squared natal Saturn; I started working as an administrative assistant at an environmental facility of the government. I will be writing it up in the next month or 2. The general consensus among people you know is that you've flipped and accusatory . Thanx Dont want to sound pessimistic, but have no idea whats going on and what else I could do and what I want. You mean Pluto can make you be homeless for 20 long years!??? When Saturn crossed my IC, I moved to be nearer my job. Last year the South Node transited my IC, those eclipses were on me IC-MC wise. In reality, Saturn connections can be very challenging to deal with. When the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of early 1980s hit my IC, it completely unraveled my family. That sounds positive. I dreamed I was on a ship at anchor in mid ocean: the whales and dolphins leaped for joy! What a year 2004/05 Im having NN return again in 2022. Not going to happen at my expense. My Saturn-IC conjunction comes at the right time, Im not complaining because I surrendered to the universe and have done the hard work. Moving home? So my 2nd Saturn return is beginning along with this 4th house Saturn transit.I have natal Neptune in the 12th square this aspect within a 2 degree orb & natal Venus conjunct the aspect within a 4 degree orb. In June 2012 VenusRx occulted the sun in Gemini 2degrees from my natal sun, in 2019 Mercury occulted the sun in Scorpio and my rising degree was in the Rx zone. Looking back, Saturn transiting the 4th, the 5th, times were tough, but thats life. Saturn in 4 has moved over my progressed Sun/Mars in the 4th and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. the girls had a longstanding agreement that if one died, the other must begin to speak and live a normal life. Thanks again for sharing our thoughts and experience. Does anyone know what to expect when both Saturn and Pluto simultaneously transit IC? Second Saturn transit to IC was at age 40. Mars conjunct Saturn:Because you have a strong sense of limitations and bristle at the obstructions you face, this tends to be a challenging transit. I was settling into my new school and new home and loved the big tree in my garden where I could sway with the wind and see across the valley to the mountain. Reply. Divine timing . There was no evidence of drugs or poison in her system, and her death remains a mystery. Most of the time, these people tend to have very low self worth which results in depression and feelings of hopelessness, particularly when they are young. House at the time had no roof, and no heating in new bedroom extension. :/, Hi! Eeeemreally terrified expecting this transitit will hit my Ic in 2020, adding Pluto conjunct Saturn to the equation. Right, a blessing in disguise? When Pluto transited my N Moon in conjunction (Scorpio Moon), I was young but I had MAJOR changes in my domestic life. The South Node (dragons tail) trines my IC and sextile my MC. However, it is now taken as a separate and specific aspect. ? This article is so unbelievably on spot. I discovered a lot. Homesickness certainly fits. They may be orphaned or unwelcome in their family. 2020 was/is said to be the year of laying foundation and for me it turned out to be exactly so. Also welcome Jamies input. You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. On the one side my IC completes the kite for my Grand Water Trine which includes Neptune in Scorpio, North Node in Pisces and MC in Cancer, on the other side Jupiter-South Node conjunction closes the Kite in Virgo. It was resolved once Saturn moved into the 5th. I read that for most people this transit means a period of isolation, depression and loneliness. Taurus rising here, born in 1990. The cycle is obvious. Then I inherited from her. In the escape, I lost my wallet (my ID -identity)! I feel strongly that a new location, in the centre of the market town where I lie, probably a retirement flat that will be easier for upkeep and maintenance and which will mean that I can easily walk to where I need to go and help relieve this sense of isolation. Jan 28, 2021 #1 Hello! It can also be a time of great accomplishment, thanks to your increased ability to get organized and to focus. I live in a land lease community where there are a number of elderly residents among us. Co vid ( Pluto ) delayed everything, no tradesmen, mercury, no wood, no deliveries, would you believe even no scaffolding ( Saturn) . As Transiting Pluto conjuncts my Venus I am experiencing many changes in my life due to my marriage. IC in Capricorn sign of structure, lofty goals and achievement ruled by Saturn. If this were the case then it would not be a loss or failure but your experience and achievements would be carried on into a new area of specialization in your career. thus opposite saturn so it was all very painful in both fronts. Sharing is interesting and can help. literally hanging in there and trying to find the light in all of this. Two men resembling Jesus and John the baptist were there (they were the previous tenants!note, I am spiritual but not a Christian). Talk about high responsibility much more than anyone else would have to endure, and of course, its lifelong for her thats the epitome of unaspected planets IMO the planet applies to the WHOLE chart is free to be applied to ANY area because of its LACK of aspects, the planet is not BOUND by aspects so hence the native is able to apply the unaspected planet to any and all areas of life. I just thought it would be good to experience on-campus living for at least a year, but I decided it wasnt worth the money to do so in the remaining years. Like moving here snd finding a bio unit off kilter with me being targeted by the ring leader. Idk what it means but all I've been feeling is torment. As the title sais, saturn is about to transit my fourth house and I wanted to know how it will or could affect me. Pluto and Saturn SCARE ME. Its probably on line somewhere. . It was more a process in which I felt like my health and productivity were not measuring up to what I would like them to be and feeling out why what's the cause what's worth aiming for/expecting? Would love to hear more about your experience of the unaspected moon ruling a crucial element of the chart (your sun & my MC). It generally marks an emotional low. I was too young and screwed up to benefit from the Pluto trine Sun -transit which brought fantastic opportunities. I can see the Saturn energy of authority, patience, restriction & the elderly connecting with the Neptune water, chemicals & secrecy energy and the Venus energy of finances & fair agreements in play here. Im hoping Saturn will come through and help to build a new foundation and sense of home. by Tony Howard Mars buddied up with Saturn in Capricorn at the end of March, and almost instantly I started hearing from friends whose charts are triggered by this aspect. Posts: 215 From: Registered: Dec 2016: posted June 15, 2017 04:10 PM . About 18 months ago I had transit Saturn conjunct my Midheaven (opposite IC): on the day that the aspect was exact, I lost my job due to covid. They may feel a lack of nurturing or just plain lonely. This is not necessarily a negative thing for you but some expectations could be involved here. This. When Saturn transits the nadir you may want to go home. Also had Saturn transit 4th conjunct Moon and opposite Sun/Saturn natal. 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